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Ante is a platform allowing you to securely store data while leveraging blockchain to verify its authenticity.

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Who We Are

Ante is a blockchain enabled platform allowing users to build applications that store private data which can then be verified on chain. It is driven by a passionate team of technology experts who saw an opportunity to create a simple solution with a remarkable impact.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to make blockchain accessible so developers can create rich applications. We achieve this by providing a programming interface that enables full integration with the blockchain to store data privately which can then be authenticated on chain.

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$679 bn

Spend on cloud services across IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.

$292 bn

Medium and large institutions in the targeted industries make up 40% of total spend.

$27 m

Our aim is to secure one-hundredth of a percent of the serviceable addressable market.

Potential Impact

Ante’s primary focus is to provide secure data storage and verification tools for commercial applications. Our go-to-market strategy targets medium and large institutions across industries such as financial services, healthcare, supply chain management, legal compliance, government services, and real estate. These figures represent the addressable market for this phase.

Token Release

December 2024

The focus for the Token Release phase will be on developing a web portal and blockchain verification system to ensure secure, anonymous data sharing and integrity while incentivizing participation through token integration.

Version 1

March 2025

The first version and minimum viable product will focus on an information exchange allowing data to be shared with verified third parties for enhanced commercial applications.

Version 2

September 2025

The second version will enhance the technology stack with a machine learning-powered reputation engine to autonomously validate data, reducing falsified entries.
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Our whitepaper demonstrates the underlying technology we have developed. We are eager to partner with individuals and groups that recognize the shortfalls in how humanitarian relief is presently being delivered, which was our pathway to creating our solution.

Contact Us

Need to get in touch with us? Fill out the form with your enquiry. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

701 Brazos St, Austin, TX 78701, United States

Proof of Concept

The focus for the Token Release phase will be on developing a web portal and blockchain verification system to ensure secure, anonymous data sharing and integrity while incentivizing participation through token integration.

Web Portal
Develop a web application for moderators to review and verify information transmitted via the blockchain. This progressive web app will ensure that the integrity of the data is maintained, providing verifiable proof of what has been shared.

Blockchain-Driven Verification
Implement blockchain technology to de-identify information during transit. Store the data on a secure server, with a hash of the data recorded on the blockchain to ensure its immutability and integrity despite being stored off- chain.

Token Integration
Develop and integrate a token system to incentivize participation and ensure transparent transactions. Tokens can be used to access premium features, verify transactions, and reward users for contributing valuable information.

Version 1

The first version and minimum viable product will focus on an information exchange allowing data to be shared with verified third parties for enhanced commercial applications.

Information Exchange
The proof of concept will ensure that data is isolated to the authorized party. Recognizing current deficiencies in data sharing processes, we will develop an information exchange underpinned by an object-based permissions engine, ensuring secure data sharing between parties and accelerating technology adoption.

Blockchain Hash Verification
To mitigate data tampering risks, the blockchain-stored information hash will be used to verify data before it is shared, confirming data immutability in transit.

Version 2

The second version will enhance the technology stack with a machine learning-powered reputation engine to autonomously validate data, reducing falsified entries.

Reputation Engine
We will develop a reputation engine to build trust among reporting parties. This engine will use machine learning to validate data based on the credibility of the source, ensuring higher authority for trusted reports.

Information Verification
Individuals who consistently provide accurate information will become verified users on the Ante platform. These verified users will report and validate data, creating a network effect that enhances the reliability and effectiveness of the information exchange for commercial applications.